Tuesday, January 30, 2007


If God were to bless me with having a wife, here are some things I shouldn't be suprised to hear from her:
- Honey, come to bed and watch Conan with me.
- Can we get tickets to Wrestlemania?
- I disagree, sweetie, I think Daredevil is a better hero than Batman.
- Baby, let's take Tae Kwon Do class together.
- This will look great with your action figures.
- (After love making) Wanna order a pizza?
- How about we go to Best Buy after going to the gym?
- Ugh. I hate country. Put on Clutch.
- I'll have a Warsteiner.
- I told you, as soon as we're done balancing the checkbook, we can watch Simpsons and Family Guy!
- Chris Masters is a terrible worker with no mic skills.
- Can I borrow that Chuck Paluhniuk book when you're done?
- Crap! They sold out on Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie tickets!
- I got pissed so I put on a Lewis Black CD to laugh and cheer me up.
- (Most important) I love you.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget, "Hi. I'm Cheryl" (someone had to) and "Yes, I will marry you. Have a kickass sword!"

Jenny N said...

aaaannd.....I'm out!

Anonymous said...

I got chills from the Shield promo.


SLRd said...

EriK - I own nearly all of Chuck Palahniuk's books. I'm pretty sure you already knew that.