Saturday, August 12, 2006

My Kingdom Came, Thy Will Be Mine

Welcome to my kingdom, ladies and gentlemen, a kingdom full of limits, malaise, and lowered expectations. My kingdom’s workload is easy and the burden is nonexistent. Do what thou wilt because your actions or thoughts mean nothing. If what you do hurts another, it matters not because you’ll be hurt by someone else’s action at some point. Feast upon the bountiful ignorance and empty calorie statements, guzzle down repugnancy and drink from the sea of apathy that surrounds my kingdom’s shores. Swim in indulgence and choke on pop culture. Rest in beds made of timidity and neglect.
The ladder of success in my kingdom is made of other people and your achievement is based upon who does your accounting, who you are wearing, and who you fuck. In my kingdom, your friend is your business partner until a better deal comes along. Under my rule, people shall be toys, so play with them, put them on the shelf when you are done, and if you break one you can always find another one to play with. Your significant other is only significant until you’re bored. In my kingdom, family is discussed as a biological, scientific term.
You are allowed sanctuary in my kingdom, provided that you realize that it’s my world and you just live in it. I live in my castle, with mortar made of insecurity and bricks made of malice. I am seated on my throne of bigotry and prejudice created out of those who I have wronged, disappointed, or crushed at my feet. I wear my crown encrusted with lies and jewels of envy. The weight of it should surely crush me if it weren’t for my sense of pride, my ego, and pure conceit holding my head aloft. At my table, I dine with talking heads, yes-men, and flatterers. Conversations at my table are one-sided and nothing is resolved or learned, but we still will feel better about ourselves.
So bow before me, declare your allegiance, and become a subject of my kingdom lest you are ruler of your own.

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