Thursday, February 21, 2008

I think I might have made my first fan.

So I was at the store in the line for the register yesterday and this little dialogue occurred:

Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Is that a wrestler?"
(Boy points at Al Snow action figure in my hand)
Me: "Yeah."
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Can I see it?"
(I let the kid look at the toy)
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "There are some wrestling magazines here!"
(Kid offers to give me a magazine he got from the stand)
Me: "Thanks, but I don't need any today."
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Are you a wrestler?"
Me: "What?"
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Are you a wrestler?"
Me: "Well...not yet...I need to finish someday maybe."
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Where do you wrestle?"
Me: "Buddy, I'm sorry but I'm not a wrestler yet. I'm not famous."
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Where did you wrestle?"
Me: "Nowhere you would know. I'm not famous, bud."
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Where do you want to wrestle?"
Me: "Hopefully WWE."
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Which brand? RAW, Smackdown!, or ECW?"
Me: "RAW."
(The Boy ponders)
Little 10 Year Old Boy: "Okay. I'll see you."
(Boy runs off)

Huh. Guess I have to whip back into game shape and spend money to have grown men throw me around. After all, I can't disappoint my fan.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I was your fan long before that kid was. I mean, I know it's not as cute having a 30 year old fan as it is having a 10 year old fan, but still!!!

Tommy said...

Think of the children, Barnes.

Please. Think of the children.

Unknown said...

What a cute kid! They really do say the most random things. Gotta love kid logic.