Sunday, February 03, 2008


I did it. After 15 years of wrestling fandom, I have found my white whale. I. Am. Going. To. WRESTLEMANIA! That's right, kiddos, I have a nosebleed seat at the Florida Citrus Bowl for the 24th installment of Wrestlemania! Section 221, Row B, Seat 15! Interested in wrestling or not, check out my blog periodically for occasional wrestling ramblings up until the big event of the year, the Superbowl of wrestling, Wrestlemania! I guarantee that even if you hate the stuff, you'll dig my blogs on it.
In this first blog, I wish to talk about something before Wrestlemania. As some of you know, I also got a ticket to a Ring of Honor show. To those who don't know what Ring of Honor is, click here! To make it short, summer blockbuster movies are to art films as WWE is to ROH. I'm excited about this show because it'll feature some of the best wrestlers in the U.S. who aren't WWE wrestlers. Now, it is time for a list. Even though most of these guys probably won't be at the ROH, I still wish to present:

Barnes' Top Ten Favorite Wrestlers Who Aren't in WWE!

10. Mistico- This man is known as the second coming of Rey Mysterio Jr. and Rey-rey isn't even dead yet! This tiny man flies and excites all who come to see him, along with having some solid wrestling to boot. His "La Mistica" armbar is a thing of twisty-fury! CHECK THIS OUT!

9. KENTA - American ECW wrestler CM Punk took a chunk of his moves, but this Japanese junior heavyweight has legitimately knocked out some guys with his past Muay Thai background. Beware his kneecaps or you will GO TO SLEEP.

8. Milano Collection AT- So let me get this straight. You are a Japanese wrestler. However, you are actually an Italian supermodel with one of those invisible dogs and can tie wrestlers into knots? SOLD!

7. Human Tornado- Take one part Shaft, two parts Supafly, and a part of Michael Jackson circa 1983 and you have one of the most entertaining stars in the independent wrestling circuit. With his Balls of Steel (which make shots to the groin ineffective) and his breakdance fighting, Human Tornado is ice cold!

6. Kenta Kobashi- The man known as "Orange Crush" (not to be confused with this ) has been one of most respected grapplers in the Land of the Rising Sun, especially after coming back after numerous knee surgeries and having a kidney removed. His chops make the great Ric Flair cringe and he can probably suplex the moon. But beware of his burning fury, the Burning Hammer.

5. Bryan Danielson - The man who graduated with a Bachelors in Shawn Michaels and got a Masters with William Regal is considered by most to be the best unsigned wrestler in North America. With his quick movements, vast knowledge of holds, and ability to have a great match with anybody, it's hard to disagree. Here's a look at his story.

4. Samoa Joe- While most people look at wrestlers, they think of bodybuilders or crazy looking gimmicks. Joe looks like the guy at the end of the bar who'd just kick your ass for fun after beer number four. There is a reason why fans chant, "JOE'S GONNA KILL YOU!"

3. Shark Boy - From 20,000 leagues under the sea, the master of the Dead Sea Drop and winner of a lawsuit against Robert Rodriguez for using his name in The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl without his permission. I give you, Mick Foley's favorite independent wrestler, SHARK BOY!

2. Christopher Daniels- The man known as "The Fallen Angel" has been making a great living on the independent wrestling scene for over 10 years. His cult leader is the only religious-themed gimmick that hasn't been inducted into Wrestlecrap history. A man who can wrestle with anybody and can open a show or draw money for a main event at any time is rare. I give you, that man. Now, this guy was going to be number one, but I thought I'd give it to his alter-ego...


You gotta love a man that has a plate of curry with a side of rice on his head. Peace.


Andy said...

Freakin' awesome

Tommy said...

All I've seen so far was Mistico, but holy crap!!! Talk about flippy-shit! Steph thinks he's really a gymnast.