Monday, July 21, 2008

Random Rant Regarding Jesus

Okay. I don't know what specifically stirred this up, but I'm gonna go on a rant anyway. Maybe it's because I still haven't found a good church home (the one I'm going to...not working out) or whatever, but I'm tired of bullshit issues regarding my faith. I'm only an armchair theologian and a poor one at that, but here's what I know regarding Jesus:
- Jesus is not a Republican.
- Jesus is not a Democrat.
- Jesus loves gay people.
- Jesus loves people who make or watch porn.
- Jesus wants to console, not shame, those who have gotten an abortion.
- Jesus likes a good party (reference: water-to-wine at a wedding, various meals with his disciples).
- Jesus pities the delusional wealthy.
- Jesus pities the delusional.
- Jesus loves children.
- Jesus loves adults.
- Jesus loves the elderly.
- Jesus loves those who hate.
- Jesus was/is a misfit.
- Jesus hated the status quo.
- Jesus gave it to Caesar when it belonged to him.
- Jesus doesn't care about social status.
- Jesus doesn't care about whether you have stuff or don't have stuff.
- Jesus is crestfallen that many people treat themselves like their own God.
- Jesus knows that we all think of ourselves as our own God.
- Jesus is over it. Why are you clinging on to your guilt?
- Jesus doesn't care how you eat your cracker and drink your wine.
- Jesus loves those who don't believe he exists or is God.
- Jesus loves those who aren't sure if he exists or is God.
- Jesus loves those who think he is just a prophet.
- Jesus hates the concept that salvation and love is bought or earned.
- Jesus had to defecate like anyone else.
- Jesus tipped over the tables.
- Jesus didn't throw a stone.

I would have just stated, "Jesus loves" but that bumper sticker unfortunately lost a good chunk of weight a long time ago when it became a slogan instead of an example.

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