Thursday, April 03, 2008 or Single? Let Me Tell You About My Friend, Jen...

Okay. I apparently did a bang up job for not only Shannon, but Rachael as well in terms of profiles for dating sites. I've had more requests and decided that if you wish for me to write a profile for you, whether you are male or female, I will gladly do so if asked. The only catch is that I have to put it up publicly on my blog and that you get no say in how you are described. One that note, let me tell about my friend who is also in Japan named Jen.

Jen loves PBR. And by PBR, I mean Peanut Butter and Running. Seriously, you can't catch her, but she'd appreciate it if you tried to keep pace with her. Jen also loves everything that has to do with people: hanging out with friends, hanging out with new people, hanging out with old people, going out to find people, and even travel to another country to teach people. Jen has learned multiple languages in order to connect with even more people. Jen's love of meeting people is only matched by her need of helping people. Jen's brain is actually a sponge; wanting to learn everything outside the familiar and read whatever is available. Jen has a warm grin that has the innate ability to make you smile back. She's like Phoebe from the sitcom, Friends, only not a dimwit. If you want to change lives and need a partner in crime, look her up. She lives with Rachael.

Colonel, you are next.

1 comment:

Jen Eureka said...

hahha this is great!!! You are so good at this! i got your post on my blog too about the candy. you did have a good one and the reasoning behind it is even better.

you should probably email or facebook me your mailing address in case you are the winner!!!