Thursday, April 03, 2008's Profile

This one is for the Colonel.

Eric is one of most levelheaded men I've met. His wit and knowledge are as quick and solid as roundhouse kick from one of his heroes, Chuck Norris. His love of God and reason is as huge as the muscles of his other hero, Mr. T. His nickname The Colonel fits him well, due to his ability to lead and teach. Just because he sees all things from all perspectives doesn't mean that he tries to be all things to all people. As a reverend, he is able to bring and distribute hope to others. As a friend, he brings more love and truth than most. It is impossible for Eric to be more mellow. Seriously, the man is calmer and more tranquil than most trees. His sense of humor is as big and as wide as two grizzly bears duct taped together. Ladies, date him already. Hippies need not apply.

Hope this helps, bud.


Anonymous said...

That was outstanding! It made me want to date myself! Which I admit is weird. But that's the power of it.

sarah said...

Now back with regular access to high speed internet, I'm catching up on some blog reading, and I must commend your personal description writing abilities Barnes. It's really nice to get to share in your wit, even though you're clear in Florida. Are you ever planning any trips back up north?