Thursday, April 03, 2008

What's Happening to America's Muppets?

I was putzing around today wondering what has happened to the Muppets since their hey-day. I mean we do see them pop up now and again, what with Sesame Street still being on the air, but some have done some stuff to make ends meet, scandals have risen, and others have fallen waiting for help to get picked up. Here's what I have found on YouTube about the current status of some of our felt-filled friends.

Beaker has finally come out of his shell, revealing that he is actually one hit wonder, Rick Astley.

Count Von Count has revealed to the public, in song no less, that he has a sex addiction. Please send him your support.

Cookie Monster's cookie cravings have gone too extreme as well.

Jim Henson Productions teamed up with Quentin Tarantino in a story in which pulp meets fluff.

Rob Zombie wanted in on a project as well.

The Monster Muppets left the rest of the crew to join REM of all people.

There are rumors that some Muppets slightly altered their appearance in order run for president. PROOF!

After working with Quentin and Rob, Peter Jackson asked the Muppets to assist in developing a soundtrack for The Lord of the Rings. Ultimately, Peter hired an orchestra.

Despite this setback, Spike Lee wanted to work with the Muppet's Fischer Price Divison.

Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem also got a chance to collaborate with Elton John once again...FOR A METAL ALBUM!!!

Well, I hope things continue to thrive for Muppetkind and I hope and wish they each find their own rainbow connection, whatever and wherever that may be.

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